My wife Natalie and I live in McFarland, Wisconsin, a small suburb of about 9,000 people outside the state capital of Madison. Both of us grew up in the Madison area, but didn’t meet until we both had summer jobs at Cousins Subs while we were in college. A couple of houses, two kids, several cats, a couple of dogs, and two states later… here we are.

Myself, I’ve always been a tinkerer and builder. I guess the hipsters call people like that “makers.” Growing up, I spent most of my time constructing things. Whether that was forts in the woods from whatever leftover lumber we could find in the neighborhood, spending hours with LEGO, or tearing apart old radios and other electronics. There was a brief model railroading phase too.

Fast forward, I developed an interest in all-things tech while in high school. That led to a college double-major in computer science and geography at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay and eventually a graduate degree in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

We landed in Lincoln, Nebraska for seven great years where I worked at the University of Nebraska. Eventually Wisconsin called us home, and we moved back in 2002 where I worked at the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources doing enterprise GIS. I’ve been with the Wisconsin State Cartographer’s office at the University of Wisconsin-Madison since late 2004.

This site is an outward expression of me reconnecting to my longstanding interests in creativity! Feel free to get in touch anytime.